Sul cappello un bel fior...
...sulle labbra una canzon


The whistling song midi
Pagina PDF completa: TESTI+SPARTITO

Questa canzoncina da "zufolare" è attribuita a Sir Robert BADEN-POWELL
L'originale sarebbe stato pubblicato nel 1909 sul primo numero di Headquarters Gazette

When fun's about the Scouts are out,
Are out upon the trail,
And each Patrol seeks out its goal
By road, or river, or rail.

Old Tommy Smooks wears saucy boots,
When out upon the trail,
And each Patrol seeks out its goal
By road, or river, or rail.

And Wi1fy Jones will rattle his bones,
When out upon the trail,
And each Patrol seeks out its goal
By road, or river, or rail.

It's "Be Prepared" and don't be scared
By difficult work or play;
To play the fife, or save a .life,
Is alt in the work of the day.